
A cup of tea

Our vision in Moody is that the internet is something far beyond a scientific product or a technological achievement; it’s a cultural phenomenon and most of all, the most powerful “medium” of all times. We at Moody are giving our bests to use this medium properly to enhance knowledge and produce quality scientific contents around hi-tech.

Our mission, therefore, is to create, gather, translate, produce and reproduce relevant content around new and information/communication technologies for audience. Our fields of attention, accordingly, will be computers, mobiles, smart-phones and tablets, ICT, robotics, virtual and augmented reality, brands and companies, web and internet, safety and security, communication, video games, social networks, digital cameras and image processing, hi-tech start-ups and businesses, technological lifestyle, aerospace and other future technologies.

  • 28 Aug 2016
  • Alfred Norris
  • 2015 Awwwards

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