How a Memento is Made

It all begins with a closed deal, an award won, a milestone achieved. It’s time to make your mark!  

Step 1: Brainstorming. A member of our sales team will start off asking you the basics. What sort of award are you looking for? Is there a specific theme or subject? A material or shape you prefer? Your budget and timeline are also important factors in determining the best design for your project.

Step 2: Sketching. At this point, we will request text and logos and discuss different options for printing/decorating your piece. If print-quality art is not available, we can often have it recreated so that it will print clearly. Working in 2D and sometimes 3D, our design staff will create drawings that bring your ideas to life.

Step 3: Quotes. Once you determine what design(s) you like best, we will provide pricing and shipping estimates.

Step 4: Proofs and prototypes. Depending on the complexity of the design, you might want to make one sample piece before creating the entire quantity. This is called a prototype. Or, we can go straight to production. Either way, you will be given a detailed proof to sign off on before manufacturing begins. That way there are no surprises!

Step 5: Production. Standard production time is generally 5-7 working days. For very large quantities or especially detailed orders, production time can sometimes run between 10 days and 1 month. You will be informed in advance if your job is going to take extra time. Rush orders are accommodated whenever possible.

Step 6. The finished product. You receive your DealGifts, each boxed and ready for presentation. Let the celebration begin!  

DealGifts - How a Memento is Made - Steps

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